Evaluations and Feedback
Annual User Satisfaction Survey
This is a vital piece of work which is undertaken each year usually around June. Feedback from the people who use our service is critical to help us shape and develop our services, how we work and lets us know what we are doing wrong. We want to offer quality services underpinned by the input and views of the people that matter. Please read the results of our most recent survey.
User Satisfaction Survey Results 2018
- Overall the response was 48% of the total surveys that were distributed. This enables the results to demonstrate some degree of reliability and validity. From the results it is clear that there is a general consensus within the PWUS population that overall they are satisfied with the service/s received in the ways described in questions 1-13. The nonresponse bias in the 18-24 age group was noticeable and is noted in the recommendations.
- There is one area within the results that is unclear. In two of the surveys the answer to question 3 was ‘not applicable’. Not applicable should not be a possible answer for question 3 because it concerns PWUS involvement in the development of their recovery or support plan. The only possible answers should be agree or disagree. Either PWUS were involved in the planning of the recovery/support plan or not. To have this third option makes no sense. Hence, this is a flaw in the drafting of the survey, and as such the third option ‘not applicable’ should not have been given here.
- The comments box was well used and the comments documented suggest that the services delivered were satisfactory and culturally appropriate.
- The spread of PWUS across the age ranges is quite even apart from the youngest age group and the 35-44 age group.
The results from the survey are encouraging as it appears that the general feeling within the PWUS population is that they are satisfied with the services received. Satisfaction levels have been measured at 96% satisfied. However, it is important that SACMHF continue to strive towards continuous improvement. SACMHF’s endeavours towards improvement and adherence to high standards of quality is supported by maintenance of the ISO 9001:2015 Quality Management System. The QMS supports the drafting of annual quality objectives which are reviewed monthly, within which is a section related to PWUS.
The recommendations below are derived from areas within the survey findings which suggest that more work can be done to achieve a higher standard of PWUS participation in the survey and a revised look at the needs of the younger PWUS group and an attempt to eliminate bias within the survey and errors in compilation of the survey.
- Implement a training programme where PWUS are able to support their peers to complete the survey rather than staff. This will help to eliminate bias in the results and give the results greater validity. The Peer to Peer support service could be developed to be responsible for this.
- The demographics show that there were no surveys completed by PWUS in the 16-25 age group. The co-production group to discuss this at their next meeting to identify whether SACMHF is adequately meeting their needs as there is a small group of PWUS receiving services who are in this age group.
- The 34-45 age group is represented well within the whole PWUS population but not from within the surveys received. As with number two in this section this could be picked up by the coproduction group to better ascertain the views and levels of satisfaction from this group.
- Ensure sufficient time is given to checking the suitability of the questions against the answer options to help to eliminate survey error.
If you are someone who uses our service or is someone who is interested in what we do or you would just like to provide some feedback please send your comments or questions to info@sacmhf.co.uk