Ujima and Activities
This user forum is known as ‘Ujima’ which means collective work and responsibility in Swahili.
- Monthly meetings to plan the next months activity schedule
- Working with Kuumba staff to help develop new and existing services
- Organising social activities
- Community meet ups e.g. Breakfast Club
- Support to make new friends.
Monthly Meetings
The group leaders meet up monthly with all members to discuss what activities will take place the following month. Sometimes work is done in smaller groups to organise the activities e.g. organising a day trip.
Co-Production Meetings
Co-production meetings
Content of the Meetings
During these meetings the following areas could be discussed:
- Funding opportunities to deliver new projects or services
- Reviewing existing services
- Planning and discussing ideas for new services
If you think you would like to be a member of this group please speak to user forum member for more information userforum@sacmhf.co.uk